IOSched : I/O events scheduler


IOSched : I/O events scheduler

The iosched module is one of the core modules of JSRE. It provides multi-channel I/O multiplexing. It can be understood as an asynchronous I/O event scheduler in JSRE. It can convert synchronous models into asynchronous mechanism.

If you like to synchronize application development, you can use or other simple methods to detect I/O events, or even use blocking read and blocking write directly, just like with other synchronous languages.

User can use the following code to import the iosched module.

var iosched = require('iosched');


The following shows iosched module APIs available for each permissions.

 User ModePrivilege Mode

Iosched Object

iosched.event(method, fd, callback, errback[, arg])

  • method {Integer} Event listening method.
  • fd {Integer} File descriptor.
  • callback {Function} Callback function when event occurs.
    • arg {Any} Argument.
    • ioevent {Object} This IoEvent object.
  • errback {Function} Callback function when callback return false.
    • arg {Any} Argument.
    • ioevent {Object} This IoEvent object.
  • arg {Any} Argument, saved in this ioevent.arg property.
  • Returns: {Object} Returns the created IoEvent object.

Create an I/O event listener object. method valid option as following:

iosched.READ0Detection event fd readable.
iosched.WRITE1Detection event fd writable.
iosched.EXCEPT2Detection event fd exception.
iosched.ACCEPT0Detection event fd acceptable (alias for iosched.READ).
iosched.CONNECT1Detection event fd connected (alias for iosched.WRITE).

When the event of interest reaches, the IoEvent object callback will be called. If the callback function returns false (must be {Boolean} type), the errback callback will be called, and then the IoEvent object will be removed from the ioshced detect events set automatically.


var buffer = new Buffer(1024);
var udp = Udp.createClient(Udp.sockaddr('', 5566));

function onMessage(buffer, num) {
  console.log('onMessage:', buffer.toString(num));

var ioevent = iosched.event(iosched.READ, udp.sockFd, () => {
  var num = udp.recv(buffer);
  if (num > 0) {
    onMessage(buffer, num);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false; // Remove from iosched automatically.


// Event loop
while (true) {

iosched.event(method, fd, callback, arg)

  • method {Integer} Event listening method.
  • fd {Integer} File descriptor.
  • callback {Function} Callback function when event occurs.
    • arg {Any} Argument.
    • ioevent {Object} This IoEvent object.
  • arg {Any} Argument not a function, saved in this ioevent.arg property.
  • Returns: {Object} Returns the created IoEvent object.

Create an I/O event listener object without a error callback.


iosched.event(iosched.READ, fd, callback, arg);


  • ioevent {Object} IoEvent object.

Add an IoEvent to the iosched detect events set. ioevent must be the return value of iosched.event().




  • ioevent {Object} IoEvent object.

Add an IoEvent to the iosched detect events set. ioevent must be the return value of iosched.event().

When the event of interest reaches, the IoEvent object callback will be called. If the callback function returns false, the errback callback will be called. This IoEvent object will be removed from the iosched detect events set, no matter what the callback returns.


// ioevent.callback run only once when event arrives.


  • ioevent {Object} IoEvent object. default: remove all.

Delete the specified IoEvent object from iosched detect events set. If no IoEvent object is specified, delete all IoEvent objects.



iosched.remove(); // Remove all


  • ioevent {Object} IoEvent object.
  • Returns: {Boolean} Whether the specified IoEvent object is listening.

Gets whether the specified IoEvent object is listening. This method is available in EdgerOS 1.9.0 and later.


[This function is deprecated]

  • fdsUser {Array} User File descriptors array. default: undefined.
  • Returns: {Array} Merged file descriptor set array.

The iosched.fds() parameter and the return value are both a two-dimensional array: [[], [], []] The first sub array represents read detection file descriptors, the second sub array represents write detection file descriptors, and the third sub array represents exception detection file descriptors: [[read fd array], [write fd array], [except fd array]].

This function returns the user parameters combined with the iosched probe file collection. If the call has no parameters, only the iosched probe file collection is returned.[fdsUser[, timeout]])

[This function is deprecated]

  • fdsUser {Array} User File descriptors array. default: undefined.
  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: undefined means wait forever.
  • Returns: {Array} A two-dimensional array of file descriptors with valid events detected.

The parameter and the return value are both a two-dimensional array: [[], [], []] The first sub array represents read detection file descriptors, the second sub array represents write detection file descriptors, and the third sub array represents exception detection file descriptors: [[read fd array], [write fd array], [except fd array]].

This function is an I/O multiplex interface that can detect multiple file events at the same time. If any event occurs, the function return immediately and returns the file descriptor array that have the event. This function has the same functionality as the UNIX compatible system select() function.


while (true) {;



var fd1 = CAN-Bus fd.
var fd2 = TCP fd.
var fd3 = UDP fd.

// Add read event detect.
Array.addFd(fds[0], fd1);
Array.addFd(fds[0], fd2);
Array.addFd(fds[0], fd3);

while (true) {
  var res =, 2000);
  if (res === null) {
    continue; // timeout.
  } else if (res === undefined) {
    // error!
    throw new Error(' error: ' + sys.error());
  } else {
    if (res[0].indexOf(fd1) >= 0) {
      // CAN-Bus have read event!
      // Must read here.
      // If read error, the file error needs to be processed.
    if (res[0].indexOf(fd2) >= 0) {
      // TCP have read event!
      // Must read here.
      // If read error, the file error needs to be processed.
    if (res[0].indexOf(fd3) >= 0) {
      // UDP have read event!
      // Must read here.
      // If read error, the file error needs to be processed.


  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: undefined means wait forever.
  • Returns: {Array} A two-dimensional array of file descriptors with valid events detected.

Same as, timeout).


while (true) {

iosched.forever([check[, timeout]])

  • check {Object | Function} Whether to exit the event loop check. default: loop forever.
  • timeout {Integer} Each event detection wait timeout in milliseconds. default: undefined means wait forever.

Run asynchronous event loop. If check is an object, check.quit is true, this iosched.forever() will return in the next event detection cycle. If check is a function, check() will be called repeatedly in each event loop, when check() returns false, the iosched.forever() will returned.


iosched.forever(function() {
  return true; // Loop forever

Synchronous to asynchronous

JSRE provides a synchronous multitasking model. Like other language environments, it also provides an asynchronous processing model. You can choose any way to develop application, even in one application, depending on the characteristics of the different transactions, you can using different methods at one application.

If you are very familiar with asynchronous development, the following method here can convert synchronization to asynchronous.



var EventEmitter = require('events');
var Udp = require('udp');

var udp = Udp.createClient(Udp.sockaddr('', 5566));


var buffer = new Buffer(1024);

udp.on('message', (buffer, num) => {
  console.log('message:', buffer.toString(num));

var ioevent = iosched.event(iosched.READ, udp.sockFd, () => {
  var num = udp.recv(buffer);
  if (num > 0) {
    udp.emit('message', buffer, num);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false; // Remove from iosched automatically.


// Event loop
while (true) {
// Or: